After 11 months, 16 days with a starting date of January 10th, 2009… I HAVE REACHED MY GOAL!!! When I started I weighed 216 pounds and now I am VERY BLESSED TO SAY I WEIGH 140 POUNDS! My BMI is 24.8 which is ACTUALLY IN THE NORMAL WEIGHT RANGE for the 1st time EVER in my adult life !!!!!!

Since 2006, I’ve lost 110 pounds and since January 10th, 2009 I’ve lost 76 pounds! I owe it all to my HEAVENLY FATHER for giving me the strength, determination, hope, faith, willpower and MOTIVATION to GET THIS DONE! I am going to keep this healthy, new lifestyle because I love it and I want my body to stay healthy the rest of my life and I KNOW I have that willpower to do it. I’m going to continue to exercise just as I have been but I’m not going to “try” to lose weight anymore but If I can lose some more, I’m ALL for it! If not, I’m completely content with 140!
This is DEFINETLY a Christmas present to me!!! Along with that present — It’s not a “present” but It is to me!! Brad’s cousin Jamie had a whole BAG full of pratically brand new clothes (and some WERE new, with the tags still on them!) that she wanted to give to me! I’m so thrilled because now I have a bunch of new, SMALL CLOTHES! I cleaned out my closet and got rid of all the big, baggy shirts that reminded me of the old me. I now have PLENTY of space for the NEW clothes for this NEW ME!!!!!!!
2009, you have ROCKED.
Congrats. Thats cool, right in time, near the new year too. I’m happy for you.
I need to start getting my butt in gear and motivation and starting working out and everything again. I still need to try and lose this baby fat of mine. ugh. but Good Job!!!
Congrats on meeting your ultimate goal. That’s definitely a great Christmas gift!!
I’m really happy for you 🙂 I actually admire your determination to meet your goals. I wish I had that kind of attitude when it comes to my other goals.
Congratulations 🙂 It’s indeed a merry Christmas and definitely a happy new year for you!
Congratulations! You have worked so hard to achieve this, I’m very proud of you, and you must be very proud of yourself! 🙂