Oooh so I upgraded my wordpress yesterday to the latest and I have to say I LOVE the dashboard! It’s very nice! I’m gonna start trying to blog daily and It may be a while before I come up with a new layout for the site. Just depends on my creativity.

I haven’t updated about Katie in a while! She’s now 10 months old. WOW. 2 months and she’ll be ONE year! Crazy, crazy. She has learned to get up on her hands and knees recently and has started to take tiny steps here and there. She CAN sit up but most of the time tends to lean backwards instead of forward. Today Brad and I saw her pull up on her knees in her crib so It won’t be long before she’ll be pulling up to everything! She’s been saying “ma ma ma” and “ba ba ba” for maybe a month now? It’s cute. She also has been doing this happy head shake thing, lol. Silly, silly girl.Today has been fantastic. Got up, got ready for church and headed out. The last few times we’ve been at church (which has been kindof scattered out because we haven’t been there a few Sundays) Katie has been pretty fussy but today she did fairly well. When she gets tired she just wants her CRIB. She doesn’t want to be held, she doesn’t want to play, she wants her CRIB. They had a potluck lunch after church and I told Brad we could stay for just a little and he’s like, “No, we need to go now” LOL. He said this because he had watched Katie the last hour of his church meeting and she had gotten really upset so yeah, he was ready to go as well as Katie so we just decided to come on home. I put her down for her nap then came downstairs to put on some more laundry, washed the dishes and made myself some lunch. After I had some lunch and whatnot, I went and sat outside on our backporch in the sun. THE SUN FELT SO NICE. I haven’t sat out in the sun in a long time so that was lovely. Brad left after a while to go help someone from church at their house then I got Katie up & fed her. Brad came home while I was playing with her on the couch. Rest of today has just been relaxing. Folded some laundry and put Katie down for another nap after her juice. I could really go for a nap but It’s already after 6pm and soon I’ll have to get Katie up again for her dinner and more playtime. I think I’m gonna cook chicken tonight. That sounds really good.
I’m EXCITED to get back on the treadmill tomorrow. Now that I’m down exercising 5 days a week instead of 6 It’s really weird to have the weekend off from exercising so It’ll be nice to get another week started of my new lifestyle!! Wooooo!! Wow so I did type up quite a long entry this time didn’t I? LOL.
If you read this — Did you have a good weekend? Anything your looking forward to this week or this month? What are you or did you have for dinner tonight? Just some random questions so answer away! 😀
aww she is beautiful! I love babies!
Wow! Looks like your exercise is going great since you’re excited about it! Woop woo!
Katie is SOOOO ADORABLE. Wow, nearly a year old! So, so cute. I wish I had a baby, hehehe.
I haven’t sat out in the sun either.. I’ve been on the computer WAY too much. I know I have a ton of assignments but well – I procrastinate. :S
Look forward to a new layout! I want to change mine too, haha.
she is so big already! such a cutie pie 🙂 idk if you watch rachael ray but tomorrow david boreanaz is gonna be on, i know you love him lol so i thought i’d let you know 😛