Today has been a hanging around kindof day. No real big events or anything…
This morning before I got to my exercise, I put this little pre-workout cup together with a side of DATE!

Summary of today: Katie played on the porch this morning while I fiddled online then got worked on some college work. Eventually, we ate lunch. I had my leftover salad from last night’s dinner and It was good! Oh and of course my side item: fiber shake! Today I added chocolate protein powder to it. Once Katie was down for nap a bit later, I fixed my hair and put a facial clay mask on. LOVE THOSE. Washed that off and eventually went to lay down since I was tired. I slept for a bit and wanted to sleep more but had to get up and do the usual afternoon routine! Brad came home around the usual time but he’s been tired and quiet all evening… so we’ve just been hanging around. You know I made a SALAD for dinner….

In between my meals, I’ve snacked on Nori, lots of WATERMELON and blueberries! and I also had a small snack salad this morning. If I keep eating watermelon like I have today then there won’t be any before Friday, lol. IT IS SO GOOD. TMI – I finally “HAD TO GO” last night for the first time since ending my cleanse! In fact, more than once.. or twice. I hope I can KEEP things MOVING. Just gotta keep up with lots of fiber!
You know I gotta have oatmeal and yogurt mess for dessert. You should know this!!! =)

Well, gonna chomp on this delicious dessert, eventually fix my hot herbal tea and also watch the latest episode of Extreme Makeover: Weight Loss Edition! I LOVE to hear stories of weight loss. LOVE IT LOVE IT LOVE IT.
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