I’ve been wanting to HELP someone for a long while… just a desire to give a helping hand. I got up this morning, ate breakfast, got Katie up, worked on my college paper a little, then contemplated how I could help. I thought of my Mom!!! Called her and decided me and Katie would walk on over and I could HELP Mom by cleaning her house, since she isn’t able to like she used to be and I’ve been meaning to clean her house for a long while and never got to it.
Loaded Katie up and we were off!!! I cleaned her bathroom, kitchen, and then dusted off a few areas for her. OH, and vacuumed the whole house. We sat down and talked for a long while after I was done. I meant to leave her house at around 12:45pm… but we got to talking and I didn’t leave till 1:40pm! I was STARVING and I know Katie was too. She was also getting majorly sleepy. I hugged Mom and we were off for the walk home. Of course the minute I got in the door, I had to fix lunch for the both of us in a hurry…. Katie was getting WAY CRANKY. I fed her, ate a little on my lunch, put her down for nap, THEN finished my delicious lunch. It was AMAZING. Tofu, okra, broc florets, hummus, stir-fry sauce, and a little hot sauce. To finish my lunch….. a juicy PEACH! I got a nice shower then decided to take a nap. I only got to sleep about an hour and was soo tired when I woke up. After Katie got back up and ate a snack, Brad came home and I fixed my dinner for on the go since we were heading out. TUNA!!!!!! and veggies!

I’m soooooo tired. What a full, busy day. I’m SO glad I got to help Mom by cleaning her house. I’m about to eat dessert and watch another episode of HEAVY! Of course I must check Facebook/bloggies first! ;D Have a great night!
That’s awesome that you helped your mom! From what you’ve said in your past entries, it sounds like she isn’t always feeling that well, and so I’m sure you cleaning your house was something she really appreciated.
I used to do the same for my mom, until I came to a point where I couldn’t help someone who wouldn’t help themselves, you know? But my mom is wayyyyyyyyyy different than your mom, I’m sure, heh. My mom has mental issues, hoarding being one of them. :/
Yea, we can’t help people who won’t help themselves, especially in your Mom’s case.