I will be sooooooooooooooooooo happy when we get our new a/c Monday morning because our apartment is so uncomfortable BUT I AM thankful that we aren’t as bad off as we were back when we lived in our trailor… sheesh!!
We got to sleep in LATE this morning, whoots! Eventually got up, ate, yadda yadda then started cleaning on the house! Brad decided to go and take a nap even though we got to sleep in late… he got to sleep in LATE-R. Hahaha. He did atleast vacuum the floors and take the trash out. I fixed lunch for Katie and I then we dropped her off at Mom’s and headed off!!! We wanted to check out the new WHOLE FOODS… the one we go to is called “Harry’s Farmers Market” but it’s technically Whole Foods except without the juice bar and a few other things. It was super crowded but I found my LOVELY MILLET bread on sale, yes!

Nexxt up! We went to check out BORDERS since they are going out of business and were JAM-PACKED last time we went in there but time was a lot better. I browsed the nutrition section for a long time… reading about omega’s. I ate my snack before we went to our next destination. And then onto … TJ Maxx HOME GOODS where I got my new pretty bowl set! I’m excited to eat my cereal in it tomorrow morning! Heh, yes, I am a big CHEESE.

It was then time for FOOD! You know we love Subway!!!

We went back to Mom’s to pick Katie up and talked to her for a little while. My cousin got her an early b-day present… A KINDLE! SHE LOVES IT!!! Heh. Also, she gave me her natural remedy books since she didn’t want them, yay!!!
Been a good day! I’m so thankful for my life. I had a piece of my millet bread and a tablespoon of my sunflower butter for dessert!!! About time to wash up and hoping cool down a little before bed. I can honestly say that I’m already starting to feel better health-wise thanks to OMEGA-3’S, heck yes. They are going to be the main source in my diet! Speaking of that, I watched a segment online from Dr. Oz about omega’s and he said to surround our diets in omega-3’s to be beautiful inside and out! YES PLEASE!!!!!!!!!
I’m excited. I owe everything I am and EVER SHALL BE to my Heavenly Father!
So, as a fellow mom and out of sheer curiosity, why don’t you ever take your daughter with you when you go out?
amanda – we do. in fact, before we moved closer to my Mom – she was ALWAYS WITH US everywhere we went so it’s nice to actually be able to go out baby free and let my Mom spend more time with her. Saturday is her day to spend with my Mom (if she feels up to it) and our day to go out alone together… if we go out during the week, we take her with us.