I am not happy. At all. Brad and I are not in a good place right now and It’s because I expect too much from him but I guess I just push too much so I’m not too happy with myself at this point. Brad doesn’t want to talk to me because he feels like he isn’t good enough for me but I’m slowly losing my mind staying at home with a 2 year old and no one else to talk to. If things go into place, Katie and I will be going to stay with my Mom in Georgia so I can get a job and save up plus I wouldn’t have to worry about a babysitter for Katie anymore. Brad will stay here because he has a secure job right now and then once we get enough money, we can look for a job for Brad there in Georgia and then put the moving plans into motion. I HAVE TO DO THIS FOR MY SANITY.
I need to spread my wings and BE MYSELF and not JUST MOMMY stuck in a house with no friends! It’s literally messing me up so I’m going to change it and get things rolling for a better life for myself and our family. Today has been stressful but I did do a workout on the Wii Active then headed out for a walk that included a nice breeze and a few pictures.

The rest of the day has been spent thinking real hard about my life and also 2 loads of laundry mixed in with the usual. I’ve gotta get ready to make dinner and all that soon.
I just have to have faith and be hopeful for the good things to come.
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