Not long after I posted my entry last night, the power went off! Luckily, I had just finished heating up Katie’s dinner so she got to eat by flashlight! Hah. We didn’t have too much to do, obviously. Brad and I played on our phones… but not for long since we were getting low on battery life so we eventually just turned them off. Katie danced around mostly, heh. My headache came back a bit worse yesterday evening… then it got worse. And worse. And worse. Brad eventually put Katie to bed and he was bored. My head hurt. I decided to take the quiet time to study scriptures and by… CANDLELIGHT!

The power FINALLY came on again around 1:30AM. I browsed online and had my hot tea that I didn’t get to have earlier in the evening. My headache was still there but when I was sitting up, It didn’t burn/throb so I stayed up…. all night. That headache was the worst one I’ve had in foreverrrrrrr. Worst detox symptom, EVER. Brad got up at his usual time this morning and left for work at 7:20AM or so. I went and laid down after he was gone and slept for a little over 2 hours! Nothing to spill about the day except the usual. Katie played on the porch and I did this and that. I will say that I had the… um… biggest amount of JUNK expelled from my colon cleanout today that I’ve had YET. I know, I know… TMI but wow. I laid down after my cleanout and tried to go to sleep but couldn’t because I was happy about getting lots of junk out of my colon, hahaha!!! I just relaxed. Katie got back up and played more on the porch! Brad came home and wanted to go swimming. I wanted to go walk over to my Moms and hang out with her SO Brad took Katie with him swimming. Heh. I spent almost 2 hours talking to Mom and It’s so nice to be able to be IN PERSON talking and hanging out with her rather than just on the phone like we had been doing forever before we moved.
I came home, Brad put Katie to bed and I just finished my hot tea! Brad’s watching Hellraiser. I think I might get a hot bath and chill out before bed. I hope I can sleep tonight!!! I’m EXCITED for tomorrow and Saturday, wheehooo!
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