This morning, Katie and I went for our walk outside then came back and got ready for a VISIT from a lady from church and her 3 year old daughter! They arrived a little after 11AM and we all had a blast!!! Katie and her daughter played while we talked. I really enjoyed it… we talked about getting together again and I hope we do! After they left, I fixed Katie’s lunch then let her watch an episode of Blue’s Clues before her nap. She was NOT happy because she only got to watch one episode, haha.
I took a GREAT nap after my hot bath until Brad woke me up by calling me on his work break – but that’s okie! I went back to sleep then got up and fixed a protein packed snack!

Eventually, Brad came home and we loaded up to take Katie to Mom’s while we went shopping!
WHOLE FOOD highlights –

- COCONUT ice cream!
- hummus
- bison patties
- blood sugar supplement
- eggs
- 2 snack bars
Those are just the big “highlights”… also bought a few other things. We mostly bought frozen veggies at Wal-Mart. I tried the coconut ice cream when we got home. UM DELISH! I cannot wait to try the bison patties for breakfast !!! The blood sugar supplements are the ones I was thinking about buying last week when we went to Whole Foods so we’ll see how that works for me. What else? Errr- I also bought some vegetarian chicken strips for me, which, I’m also excited to try. Check out our seafood stash, lol

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