Alright so Katie’s appointment overall went well! She weighed 7lbs 12oz last time and now she weighs 10lbs 4oz! Her head grew an inch and her chest 1 1/2 inch! Her length last time was 18 3/4 and now she’s 21 inches! Now for the bad part.. shots. 🙁 She was gonna get 3 of them but they were out of one of them (for ear infections) and Doc said they’ll probably get that in October. Said that doesn’t mean she’ll get ear infections. Brad and I noticed her belly button sticking out more and Doc said she has a hernia and it should resolve on it’s own but if not by the time she’s 4 or 5 they’ll do a small surgery to correct it. Doc left and nurse came in soon – Katie was already fussy when we got there but then she got quiet but then It was time for those bad shots. 🙁 First time she stuck Katie she just screamed and then screamed so hard she wasn’t even making a sound just turning very red. Eventually she wailed loudly outloud. One of her little legs bled but the nurse got it to stop. Next the other leg.. more screaming then the nurse put bandaids on her legs.

When It was over she had cried little tears. Poor baby girl. I comforted her and we had given her infant Tylenol beforehand so hopefully that has helped. Once she calmed down, she was OUT. After her appointment we stopped by Wal-Mart and she did well in there too except for the little pitiful cry here or there. When we got home I fed her then she was out and is still sleeping now.
Bless her bitty heart!
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