Thank goodness today was a much better day! It was also VERY beautiful outside and when we left for groceries this afternoon the temperature outside was EXCELLENT. Before we left for groceries, I put together a snack! I’m going to start eating a snack after my shower since I know I’ve been spacing out my snacks too far apart resulting in being tired and of course hungry.

chocolate protein shake, half a PB&J Lara Bar, half a cup multrigrain cheerios & granola & mixed nuts
What is the key to my success? To changing my whole life mentally, physically and spiritually? Being…
Everyone CAN become all of the above IF IF IF you really WANT TO. It’s a choice and If you want something badly enough, you will do whatever it takes – as I did! Of course I owe everything I AM and ever SHALL BE to my
My faith has shown me so much and guided me to take that willpower and motivation to help mold a brand NEW lifestyle for myself. I’m so thankful to Him.
How willing are we to serve our Heavenly Father? We tend to push Him away and away from all the potential good things in life. We must be thy humble and He will bless us – I can testify to that. Eating and living healthy mean everything to me now. Speaking of! I’ve gotta get up and go chop up new fruits and veggies we bought this evening! I bought CANTELOPE!!
What is one quality you like most about yourself?
Ahhh hungry hungry! It’s nearly midnight here but I wouldn’t say I’m hungry. That shake looks super super yum though!
I think I’ve really got to be more strict with myself in order to really be motivated!
I’m glad you’re feeling refreshed and eating healthy and living healthy!