What an EXCELLENT, WONDERFUL DAY it has been! I got up, ate, got Katie up, etc… then Brad eventually got up too and we got ready for GYM and took Katie to my friend’s house. SUMMARY >>>

warmup, elliptical 11 minutes, 1.27 miles, 117 calories
leg extension – 3X, 85lbs, 15 reps
seated leg curl – 3X, 50lbs, 15 reps
calf extension – 3X, 90lbs, 15 reps
squats & jump squats – till max, 80!!!!!!
leg press – 3X, 210lbs, 10 reps
glute – 3X, 90lbs, 10-15 reps
back – till max
abs – till max
stair stepper – 25 minutes, 81 floors, 233 calories
elliptical cross trainer (standing) – 23 minutes, 4 miles, 266 calories

Have I mentioned I really love jump squats? I truly do, lol. Was DRIPPING sweat on the stair stepper and flying on the elliptical trainer, woot woot. Had my AWESOMELY favorite smoothie afterwards then we headed out to Wal-Mart to buy a few things, including SWIM SUITS and water wings for Katie! We came back, picked Katie up and then got dressed to GO SWIMMING! I really like my new suit and can’t wait for it to be LOOSE on me after I lose some weight! We had a blast… but then about 45 minutes later the clouds rolled in and we had to get out and it sprinkled on us as we came home then it POURED. Ah well, lol and whaddya know a bit later it cleared up and the sun came out haha. We all got baths/showers and Katie played, ate dinner, and colored in her new HUGE spongebob book for a bit then I gave her some plastic food containers to play with and she loves them! I fixed our dinner and got a slight headache (that I still have! not sure why? maybe the pool? I dunno) then after Katie went to bed we went out on the front porch so I could buzz cut Brad’s hair and it looks so good! We left it a little longer on the top, heh. I’m now relaxing and downloading some awesome songs that I can add to my mp3 player for my workouts, YES!!!!!!!!

I’m super super super happy! =) =) =) I’m so thankful for the men and women who serve to keep our freedom in this country! I pray for them and their families. I pray for everyone… I pray that I may learn to be a better person a little bit day by day. I wish happiness for YOU!