Wow. Where do I EVEN BEGIN? I knew I wanted 2009 to be life changing but I never dreamed that It would be THAT big of a change but I am so happy that I took charge of my life because IT IS MY OWN and I WILL BE happy no matter what! 🙂 I have learned so much about myself, about life, about God. This new lifestyle of mine has brought about a love for MANY new things:
1) i love healthy foods now! espically fruits and veggies
2) a new love for jogging/running, i feel so powerful when I run!
3) exercise in general – YES I LOVE EXERCISE!
4) a love for myself. life. GOD! I am SO passionate about God and my health now <3
It has taken some serious hard work mentally, physically and spirituality but you know what? We are ALL children of God so guess what? We can ALL do what I have done this year. I’ve heard SO MANY people say to me these things, “I wish I had your willpower and motivation!”, “I could never imagine myself skinny” I cannot tell you how many times I’ve heard those things espically lately. EVERYONE CAN have the willpower and motivation but you have to TRY to build it and KEEP it! As far as the skinny goes… why not?!! I used to say the same thing but look at me now, I AM SLIM! Everything takes dedication and work to keep it in your life no matter what it is.
Again, anything and EVERYTHING that has changed in my life I OWE all to my Heavenly Father!!!!
This first pic is this time last year & the next one is from a few days ago

Here’s how Katie has changed from this time last year till now lol.

2009 has been the best year of my life!!! Rock on 2010! I’m gonna strive to make it just as good as 2009 and hopefully even BETTER! 😀
– My 2009 motto: “Losing the weight while growing in faith” and my word of the year: MOTIVATION!
– getting the treadmill
– valentines day balloons from my sweet
– going to visit Mom in Georgia
– discovering my healthy, new food plan!
– katie’s 1st tooth and 1st birthday
– losing 6 pounds in a week
– taking Katie swimming
– brad helping me dye my hair 🙂
– going to our church temple for the 1st time
– traveling with brad, katie and one of my good friends to and from Georgia!
– getting my gallbladder taken out
– spending a full week with Mom.. that meant so much to me
– spending time with brad’s family for Christmas
– katie getting lots of presents from LOTS of people, such a blessing
– starting couple morning and night prayer with brad recently
– meeting my goal of 140 pounds before the end of 2009!
– THE BIGGEST LOSER for helping inspire and motivate me this year! <3
– hearing so many people say THEY’VE been inspired by ME!
Rock on 2010!
You’re welcome! 🙂 Thank you! 😀
Happy new year!
You and Katie look great. It’s good to see you both going strong!
Congratulations on slimming down. It’s such a good feeling when you really give it your all and aim towards something and you see it all pay off. 😉
And it’s a wonderful thing you’re loving exercise and you’re loving healthy food. 😀
You look GREAT 🙂 I’m so happy that you were able to achieve a lot of things in 2009. Heehee. Happy new year! I’m sure 2010 will be as awesome for you as in 2009. Your baby’s adorable 🙂
Keep safe!