NO WAY… today is the last day of August? This year is really going by quickly but as the years go by time has seemed to speed up that much more. The weather these last few days has been GREAT — so great that we haven’t been using the air AT ALL! Brad found a screen to put in our living room window (since they were missing) and we’ve opened up the window and put our floor fan in here to get some air circulating and It’s been working well! Before I get into my day so far, I wanted to show off the car we got from our church friend! It’s in excellent condition but doesn’t go into reverse.. well, It works every once in a while so we need to get a new transmission and It’ll be good to go!

Reminds me of my next door neighbor when I lived at home with my Mom. He LOVES Mazdas so I’m sure he’d find it awesome that we have one now too. Brad bought some new air freshners to go in it so now it smells like pineapples!
That running wore me out yesterday and I had to make sure to eat enough. We studied our scriptures and eventually watched another episode of The Tudors! I was sooooo tired afterwards so I think I went to bed around midnight but Brad wanted to stay up. Apparently he stayed up until 4AM, ha! I woke up at 7:40AM this morning but went back to sleep until 8:30AM then finally got up and fixed breakfast. I went ahead and did my Wii Active workout and see, I have 2 Wii Active games. The first one and the More Workouts game. I can say that the first game has more intense exercises or atleast I think so! My legs think so anyway, lol. I did a full body workout to work both upper and lower body. My legs are a bit sore but that is GOOD TO ME! I got done, woke Brad up, got Katie up and then Brad fed her and tended to her while I HEADED OUT AGAIN! It was good to get back out on that road to RUN! I had it set up this time… I would run 8 minutes one way and 8 minutes back to the house. I love it so much!!! I was almost back home so I sprinted as hard and as fast as I could until I got to our mailbox. Overall, I think I ran around ~1.7 miles or so give or take. I came inside to fix a choco protein shake and have a piece of bread with a little banana and peanut butter. Got a nice shower and fixed my hair. Brad got to tend to Katie all morning… potty training and everything! SOUNDS AWESOME TO ME! He also washed dishes this morning which made me extra happies! We loaded up and went out for the usual Tuesday food shopping! If I’m hungry enough, I grab a protein bar to eat on the way home so I had this lovely bar of awesomesauce!

The carmel in it is delicious! NOMNOM. We had the sunroof and windows down on the way to the store but the sun and inside of the car were quite hot so on the way home we put up the windows and turned the air conditioner on. In our last vehicle the air didn’t work so this is NIIIIIICE! Brad brought in the groceries then I fed Katie a little snack before putting her down for a late nap.

Put away groceries, got our chicken all seperated and ready for meals this week and now here I am! Brad just finished mowing the grass and is about to get ready to head out for his church meeting. I’m going to fix a snack here soon and just relax a bit before It’s time to get Katie up then dinner and her bath+bed and all that!
I’m thankful, grateful and blessed! I think about how far The Gospel had led me and changed me. I’m thankful that I opened my heart and mind to God and His ways for they have led me to a much better, peaceful way of living and life.
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