I can’t believe it’s already Fridaaaaaay! This morning, Katie watched cartoons while I did a few things online then decided since Brad and I can now watch NETFLIX on our cellphones that I was gonna put it to good use by fast-pace walking on the treadmill while watching SECRET LIFE !!! Have I mentioned my love for that show?!?! ;D I walked almost an hour, woohooo.
I am determined to get back on a calorie counting meal plan to help with my PCOS and all so I am gonna go back to what I was doing before my banana feasting (haha)… the PALEO diet !!! This time no bacon for sure. If something else makes me sick, then I’ll cut that out and continue on. I need to stick with a certain meal plan and STAY STAY STAY with it. For now, I’m going for 1500 calories a day again with 1-2 hours of walking and possibly a few higher interval stuff, just depends.
I took a good nap this afternoon and was woken up by a call from the OB/gyn office I set up an appointment with… reminding me of my appt Tuesday, BUT I cancelled. Why? I’m gonna go ahead and set up with the ob/gyn/reproductive endo instead. That way I can get my girly exams AND get my PCOS taken care of without having to find diff Docs… blahblah. Gonna call Tuesday morning and hope I can get an appt ASAP.
Check out the goodies I bought that are gonna be the majority of my meals this week!

- powerCRUNCH bars
- macaroons
- 100 calorie almond packs
- whey protein powder, vanilla!
- spinach/artichoke hummus
- OIKOS yog, blueberry
- unsweetened almond milk
- grilled chicken + steak strips
OH and forgot to include the ground turkey TUBE I bought, too. Also on the menu for this week that we already have at home: eggs, tuna, chicken, wheat germ, ground flax seed annnd a few other things I’m forgetting!
Katie FINALLY got to “go to Granny’s” today since it’s been TWO WEEKS! We dropped her off then shopped at Whole Foods. Sat outside and I had “dessert” and Brad had dinner + dessert. I ate one of my powercrunch bars with 2 of my new macaroooooons. Also, had a RISE vitamin water ZERO. It was good. Got goodies from Wal-Mart then came back to my Mom’s to sit and talk a little before coming back home.
Hmmmmmmmm what to do tomorrow?? Not sure yet but think Mom is wanting to watch Katie. I didn’t clean house “fully” last week since I was sick so gotta get up, eat, clean house and then figure out how to have an awesome day with my lovie ;D
Speaking of him… he came home today and had “something” for me. It was a yellow folder… I opened it and there was a pretty flower/picture with a poem he had written for me. AWW, it made me tear up. I love it when he does stuff like that. We used to write each other love letters/poems/stuff pretty often so I was happy he made that for me !!!
Time to catch up with Facebook and bloggies then relax =) THANKFUL, grateful, and blessed. Yes.
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