Katie is really starting to do things now! When I put her down for her afternoon nap not long ago, I went & fixed my hair then heard her crying so went in and she was pulled up to the side of the crib except not straight up, kindof slanted and she couldn’t get down, lol. As I stated before, she can sit up but just hasn’t until TODAY! While she was playing this morning on the floor, she went from laying to this…

YAY! Probably not the 1st time she’s done it but now she’s really gotten the hang of it! This afternoon while playing she also was contemplating pulling up to the couch. Speaking of babies. I don’t think I want anymore babies. Why not? Well, I want to lose as much weight as I can and then why would I want to turn around and get pregnant again thus gaining weight yet AGAIN? Plus, I don’t have that “need” feeling going on for another baby. I might change my mind years down the road but I don’t think so. If I wanted another one I would want that baby and Katie to be pretty close in age.I was right. Getting on the treadmill today felt great! I tend to get on the treadmill, turn on my mp3 player and start singing my lungs out LOL. I bet my neighbors are thinking what the? Haha! I’m excited. Excited because Brad is seeming to be taking an interest in changing his lifestyle too. I’ve been HOPING AND PRAYING so hard that he would. I want him to feel the greatness I feel from working out and how each day I feel amazing because of the changes I’ve made. He told me he wants to start to go to the gym because he mainly wants to focus on gaining muscle. He’s already got a workout schedule saved on his computer. I’m holding my breath that he actually does it. PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE. Most of the time he says he’s gonna do something (like a hobby for example) and will do it maybe a few times and then toss it aside. I want this for him so badly. Send some motivation vibes out for him please!
Must say today hasn’t been a bad Monday at all! Aside from Katie having a crying insane fit when Brad came home from his lunch break and I was in the shower. He went in her bedroom, changed her diaper and held her for a few. Don’t know what that fit was all about. It’s also been a pretty day and is currently 73 degrees. Got our living room window open – speaking of that, I need to get Brad to hang up our blinds for the living room. I’m tired of looking at this blanket we’ve had hanging over the window since we’ve moved in here! Plans for the rest of today? Spend some time working on the new layout, feed & play with Katie, put her to bed, fix supper and spend some time with hubby then of course sleep!
I can honestly say I love my life. I have everything I’ve always wanted and each and every day I’m grateful and thankful for every second I get to be alive. <3 One more thing. Last night Brad & I watched our Netflix movie – Tristan & Isolde. Made me even more GRATEFUL for Brad. Sad yet good movie! I recommend, I recommend!! Now go have yourselves a good Monday evening!!! 😛
I’m glad to hear you’re so happy with your life and situation, I love hearing about happy families 🙂
When the time comes for me to be married and have children, I only see myself having one as well. I was an only child, and it was a bit lonely sometimes but for the most part good. I know of a lot of people with siblings who didn’t feel they got enough attention, or got beat up by them if they were older, etc. Plus it can be a handful to have multiple small children.