I think I might be getting a touch of what Katie has… I felt a little more “dragged” today but hopefully I am not getting sick, rah!!! I put Katie on the potty this morning and then she played while I was eating breakfast and she usually has to poo right around the time I’m eating breakfast (lovely right, lol) and so I was trying to keep an eye on her to see If she was gonna strain so I could try to get her to the potty. Well, too late. 17 minutes after I sat down, she didn’t strain but did fill her pull-up. Ah well, we’ll get it. We headed out for THE WALK and I let her play outside when we got back for just a bit before coming back in so I could start some of my online work. Of course she’s been pretty cranky with being sick and all so she was definetly ready for her nap today. I was feeling sluggish and wondering If I should run on the treadmill or not so instead of running a mile non-stop, I did it at different speeds and inclines. Worked up a great sweat too!!!
Eventually fixed some a few brussel sprouts and carrots along with my usual sandwich and smoothie for lunch. The rest of today hasn’t been too eventful except for more online work and I put Katie to bed, washed dishes, fixed my hair and ate a fresh peach! Here’s what the dinner plate looked like for tonight!

A ham steak, turkey bacon and tomato sandwich with seasoned green beans and a very delicious sweet potato! Yes, yes, I do indeed love sweet potatos! I could eat them every night and not tire of them.
I found another theme that I’m working on and hopefully If I can piece it together and have it up soon. We’re watching Jillian Micheals show tonight, yay!!! Brad’s gonna work out then we’ll relax and watch that! Hope everyone has a great night… always remember God loves you! “God be with you till we meet again”
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