Today has been quite ordinary! I woke up and did not want to get out of bed… ugh. I’ve decided to really cut back on my intake of bread and some of those carbs. Also, big time cut back on my nut intake considering I eat a lot of those! Hah. I wanted to actually walk on the treadmill this morning so I did!!! I walked for 30 minutes and also got to talk to my church friend while walking so that was nice. It’s been a cold, rainy day and not much has been going on. Another church friend of ours dropped by this evening and gave us an early Christmas present!!! It was awfully nice! Brad left for his church meeting this evening and I’m posting this and listening to Fall Out Boy while Katie plays.
I’ve done greaaat with my new eating plan today and I pray I can stick to it and not give into carbs or other temptations. I CAN DOOOOOO IT, hah. Here’s the outline of my new eating:
– really cut back on bread, nuts, oats and all heavier carbs
– of course eat plenty of veggies!
– ive cut out my precious sweet potato for now *sniffles* since it’s a starchy veggie
– plenty of protein! cottage cheese, eggs, turkey, chicken.. bring it!
– try to have carb, fat, protein with each meal
– chug chug chug water
– herbal tea toooo! in fact I drank 2 servings today, not much taste but smells amazing and i love the hot drink
When Brad gets paid Thursday I’m gonna get him to go to the store and buy me some VITAMIN C PACKETS! Probably these…

EVERYTHING I’ve read about adrenal fatigue has said that Vitamin C is one of the best things to help and LOTS of it. They recommend around 3,000mg a day so I could drink 3 packets – probably one morning, noon and towards the evening. Also try to take more B-vitamins. I usually take 1 pill per day but I know I need more than that. There’s also a few other things I think I might try that I’ve read online that they recommend.
I’ll get this straightened out SOMEHOW, SOMEWAY! I believe in my Heavenly Father and I know He will guide me! Just gotta hold onto my faith and keep moving forward. That’s all any of us can do..
oh, I should try those packets. I’ve been sluggish lately.