Saturday we went to Brad’s work company picnic! We had a blast and it was a sunny (and quite hot!) day. Katie got to play a few games (and got prizes), get her face painted, Brad got to play laser shooting, and we got to watch two different dog shows!

We didn’t have usual church services Sunday because of our General Conference, so I watched the talks Saturday and Sunday. There were so many wonderful, brilliant, inspiring messages in them. I loved it! I watched all of them, except two that weren’t online yet when I last checked. Still need to go back and watch those. I loved the talks on mental illness, the story of the old man that was blind and deaf, yet still reached out for a priesthood blessing then died a few days later. I love The Gospel so much and the talks help me realize how wonderful this life is and can be when we live righteously. <3 “Doubt your doubts before you doubt your faith” -President Uchtdorf.
I finished my Personal Wellness college class and moved onto Cultural Diversity in Health and Illness, which should be interesting. We’ve already talked about how it can be difficult and cause barriers when patients do not speak English and what to do to be sure that the patient gets the proper treatment and understanding. Soaking it all up! I love learning about health so much.
The sublingual liquid I’ve been taking for my adrenals seems to be “helping” a bit, but not as much as it was when I first started taking it. I decided to order another adrenal booster called Isocort, that has excellent reviews to help people with low cortisol…. AKA ME!!!! The supplements are arriving in the mail this afternoon, so I’m super excited! It’s so bad because the low cortisol has caused low blood pressure, low blood sugar, low hormones, low low low low low the last few years – which is why enough cortisol is SUPER IMPORTANT. That’s why my thyroid function went wonky because the cortisol was too high years ago then that stress was not relieved and the cortisol fell. Well, once it falls for so long then it can mess with the thyroid function too. It’s so frustrating because wonky thyroid and adrenals = higher weight and body fat, even though I eat clean and try to get some movement in, but another drawback is that anything above walking (or even really long walks!!!!) only seems to suppress that cortisol, which makes me feel WORSE. Exercise intolerance sucks for someone who LOOOOOOOOVES to exercise, which is another reason why I ended up with such low cortisol because when I first got sick I just kept pushing-pushing-pushing the exercise, even tho my body was like W-T-F, NoOOoOO. Hah. Yea, live & learn and all that. I certainly have.
Brad and I watched the movie World War Z last night, which turned out to be a pretty good one. Super speedy zombies! Speaking of, The Walking Dead starts again Sunday!!! I love my life and I am determined to revive my adrenals, which will boost my thyroid, which will mean I can finally be on my way to leaning down and building that muscle I WANT AND WILL HAVE! =) I think about running every day and how much I miss that feeling. I miss being sore from exercise, but I know it’s MUCH WISER to listen to your body, rather than what your mind wants. So, I’ll keep healing, keep mending, and then when my BODY is ready I will be the runner, the athlete that I know I am. I will say that I would not be the person I am today if it were not for my Heavenly Father and everything I’ve learned through The Gospel. I’m so thankful, grateful, and blessed. Always.
There is ALWAYS something to be thankful for!!! I’m thankful for my health struggles, thankful for my handsome husband, thankful for our beautiful daughter, thankful for LOVE, thankful for everything we have that Heavenly Father has gifted us with, and thankful for the beauty outside my door that HE created. Nothing will stand in my way of being at peace because I find it in Him. <3 Sending out positive vibes to everyone today. Know that I pray for this world and my brothers and sisters!
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