This morning two ladies from church were supposed to stop by for a visit but then one of them text me back and said they weren’t gonna get to come so! I just hung out with Katie and Brad eventually got up too. I did my workout around 12:30pm and another lady we knew from church was coming by at 2PM so take us to run errands! So nice of her!!!!!!! I had to hurry though to get my workout, shower and then make a quick lunch so I did all that and was eating the rest of my lunch when she arrived. We got all our errands done and she headed out! I had a busy, busy, busy evening. I got Katie’s food prepared for the week, cooked Brad’s chicken for the week then eventually we watched the SEASON PREMIERE of The Biggest Loser online, WOOT. Katie did not get a nap today and was SUPER DUPER tired by the time 7PM rolled around so Brad put her to bed about an hour early. She’s usually in bed by 8:30 but tonight It was a little after 7:30PM so hopefully she’ll get some good rest tonight.
I’d read about people making burgers out of BEANS so Brad and I wanted to give it a try! We had fun mushing up our beans and veggies, lol. Here they are getting ready to be eaten!

YUM YUM. I’m about to eat dessert and relax before it’s time to go to bed!
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