Brad, me and his cousin went to the trailor a few weeks ago (where we used to live) to get some more of our things that we left over there and we mainly went for our AIR CONDITIONER. We get there and whaddya know, the air conditioner is GONE. No where to be found. The only people that have a key to that place is Brad and his Dad. If his Dad wanted to use it, he could have called us up and asked. Who else could have gotten it?!?! GRRRR. So, today our fan in the bedroom pretty much died and there is NO WAY I can go to sleep back there without fan/air. Brad calls his Mom and asks her to call people and ask about our air conditioner (brad’s family) and well, Brad’s Mom called Brad’s Stepmom and eventually she asked Brad’s Dad about it and he said he has no clue.

W.T.F?!!!!!! Ooo that pisses me off. :yell: :yell: :yell: How damn lousy is that?! I know he’s lieing. I want our damn air conditioner back! Brad and I even thought he might have got it and sold it on Ebay! Who knows. I think Brad’s Mom was gonna see about getting us a new one BUT I DON’T WANT A NEW ONE. I want to know WHAT THE HELL happened to my damn air conditioner and If they have it, I WANT IT BACK!!!!!!! :yell: