It’s GOOD FRIDAY! Indeed It HAS been a good one.
I got up this morning and drank some water plus half a naner again pre-workout. I did a 40 minute workout on the Wii Active [More Workouts] game then after usual housewife + Mommy duties, I took Katie out for a walk in her stoller. I took my step counter with me and by the time we got to the backyard of the apartments, we had completed 2.5 miles! I got Katie out and let her sit and play with leaves, heh.

Here is the lovelyness that was my snack from this evening!

consisted OF:
>> choco protein shake (1 scoop choco protein powder, 1 cup choco silk milk, few cereal bits & bran buds)
>> 0.5 mix of multigrain cheerios, granola, eggo+cinnabun cereal, mixed nuts
>> true delights coconut banana macadamia nut
>> apple slices!
I’ve been attempting to get everything planned before Sunday so we can have everything good to go! I’ve gotta wash clothes today and tomorrow. Brad is gonna have to go buy groceries tomorrow night for next week since we’ll be out of town on our usual shopping day and we don’t want to have to buy all our groceries there and then have to bring them back home since we’ll already have a FULL truck from the trip. I’m soooooo excited to see my Mom, Aunt and Cousin!
Life is amazing. I’m so happy to have the devotion I have now to God and healthy living!!! I used to think I was nothing. I didn’t feel worthy. I didn’t feel confident (still working on that one) and now my eyes are open to see that I AM WORTH IT. I can and WILL live my life to the fullest and I pray everyone may come to think this way because there is so much happiness and goodness to be had If we would just try for it. We usually make life seem so much worse than It really is and we bring our own unhappiness upon ourselves. Atleast I did. I used to. Now I think back and realize… why?? I have wasted so many days doing NOTHING and living in fear but NO MORE. Let us all look to the GOOD in this life and remember our Savior on this Good Friday!!
Get your bunny ears ready! It’s almost Easter!!!!!
I’m glad you had a good Good Friday! ;D Mine was rather boring; I spent time with family and family friends which was okay. I guess it was a good day to get out but towards the end I did get bored.
Katie is so cute! She really is growing up and getting bigger!
I hope you have a wonderful Easter and a good time with your family!
Katie looks adorable!!! I love your positive attitude and outlook! I love how you keep posting pictures in your posts! Your posts always make me smile! 🙂
Aw, she is so adorable!!! I’m glad it was such a nice day and you are feeling so optimistic!
I’m so happy you had a nice Good Friday. Katie is so adorable and getting so big. I can’t believe how fast she is growing!!
Those healthy snacks look delicious! Enjoy your Easter weekend. Have a great one! <3