Yup… potty training started today for little Miss Katie D! We bought the Pull-Ups a while back but I’ve just been so unmotivated but I got them out this morning! I put her on the potty a few different times and then she peed in the pull-up. I called my Mom for advice and she told me a tip that she had to do with some of her babies that she babysat is to pour water between their legs while they sit and sometimes that’ll help. After I got off the phone I tried that little tip and after Katie got up… THERE WAS PEE IN THERE! Wow, lol. I’ve tried the rest of the day but nothing and more peeing in the pull-up but eh, It’s just the first day.

We went for our walk this morning and while walking, I saw this little green frog in the road! I touched him (or her) and it’s little body was HOT… It was still breathing so I picked it up and It took a ride with us in the bottom of the stroller. I came home after walking 2 miles and by the time we got to our backyard, the little froggie was jumping around! I checked on him (or her) later and the froggie was gone so I may have saved It from a scorching pavement death! OH it still had a little tail so It must of just left the water after the tadpole stage! Katie had a blast roaming around the yard when we got back. Speaking of outside, after Brad got home last night from work I went outside with him to water the garden and then we picked BLUEBERRIES! Heh. I mentioned that because I picked more today plus got rid of some weeds around the blueberry bushes. I also got stung by a sweat bee (or atleast I think that’s what It was!) and that was no fun. Lot of blueberries, yay!!!!!!! A bit later when Katie was down for her nap, I did a ~15 minute kettlebell workout and I was definetly sweating by the end! Got a quick shower then LUNCH which consisted of smoothie and a DELICIOUS peanut butter, apple, cinnamon, banana and sugar free maple syrup sandwich. DROOL… DROOL. I was feeling tired after a while and kept almost dozing off so I took that opportunity to lay down on the couch at around 4PM. Brad called me a few minutes after 5PM and woke me up and WOW. You know how you are in a deep sleep and then wake up and feel so OUT of it? It’s a good yet interesting feeling. Took me a long while to wake up but that hour nap was exactly what I needed since we stayed up later than usual last night. I haven’t had a nap and then woke up feeling that refreshed in a long time so that’s definetly a good sign! I’ve done very well AGAIN today with my meals and snacks so I just have to keep doing this and not be tempted to stick my hands in the cereal boxes. If I do want to reach for something, I now reach for fruits or veggies!
Wow, 8pm already?? I think we’re about to get a storm! Okie, I gotta put Katie on the potty, bathe her then get her ready for bed! I’m out! God is good. I love the Gospel and am thankful for everything in my life. Always.
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