ALWAYS keep the FAITH! 🙂
How was your Sunday? I’m gonna keep this short and sweet. We went to church and It rained on us as we scurried into the building. Everything was wonderful as It always is to be gathered to talk of The Gospel and how we can be more like HIM in this life. Afterwards, we had potluck! I ate a few bites of homemade coleslaw, creamed corn and green bean casserole. Our friend brought us home and I fed Katie then put her down for nap! Decided I wanted to go burn some calories with walking so I took my cellphone and set out! I talked to my Mom for a long while then she had to go. Just as I got off the phone, the clouds were getting darker and darker. Then I heard it! RAIN. I could hear the rain in the distance behind me and so I got to walk in the rain! Heh. I loved it!!!!!! It’s been a realllllly long time since I’ve gotten to do that! It poured for a few minutes then eventually let up and the clouds parted and the view was really beautiful as I walked. The sun even tried to peek out a few times as I walked back home! It was great. Brad called to check on me when I was almost home, lol. I made it back, ate my choco protein bar, got a quick shower and the rest of the evening after Katie got up – she’s been constipated so we were trying to put her off/on the potty and she finally went after Daddy put her on the potty when It was almost her bed time! Got her ready for bed, Daddy rocked her then dinner was ready….

Just finished eating and It’s time to R-E-L-A-X! We both want to watch The Tudors so as soon as I publish this, we shall we shall! I’ve felt really peaceful today and I KNOW with all my heart that it’s because I’ve been reading and studying the scriptures and The Gospel more often. It DOES bring about happiness into anyone’s heart! Search the scriptures for the Lord WANTS us to be and feel happiness and It’s there for us If we will only open our hearts to it and humble ourselves to come to know HIM and his great works that can only HELP us as we strive in this mortal life! Hope everyone has a great evening!!!!!
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