TODAY HAS BEEN DAY 2 of the 80-10-10 lifestyle…. woohooo.
Of course I always drink water when I first get up. I got hungry then feasted on BANANAS!!! Once I got Katie up, I started my juicy juice.

Katie and I ventured out on our walk and this is the view right before we come back into the apartment complex:

Fast forward past all the boring stuff of my day… I’ve been working on my college stuff and got inspired tonight to get on the treadmill!!! I did 1.5 miles with mostly light jogging but also random walking and I got some sweat on, wooo. Washed off, finished my college for tonight, and am about to post this and watch THE NEW SECRET LIFE EPPY FOR LAST NIGHT, WHEEEE!
I just want to say that I know I will love the low-fat, vegan lifestyle. I already do! I made some “banana ice cream” this afternoon by blending 2 frozen bananas with coconut and almond milk… it was so creamy and delish. Only thing is, now that I AM giving my body plenty of carbs… it makes me feel so heavy since I don’t normally have that many carbs. I’ve been do deprived for so long and our bodies RUN off the good sugars of fruits (and of course not to forget the wonderful veggies) and I know I just have to ride it out and let my body re-adjust to the changes then REAP the benefits of this lifestyle.
Here’s to another day towards re-claiming my health. I’m ecstatic to know that I won’t have to count calories anymore and let my body just thrive off of wonderful, delicious (of mainly) fruits (but also!) and veggies.
FRUITS, VEGGIES, AND LOVE !!!!!!!!!!! =)
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