I can ALREADY tell that I am headed back to feeling FULLY energetic and feeling great again. Once my body re-adjusts to the LESS exercise and steady calorie and food balance then I should start to get my energy back! I can already tell a difference in my appetite and the way I feel between meals. I’m excited to see what’s going to happen in the next few months as long as I keep up this balance!!!!!!!! WOOO. In fact, I feel great tonight except tired, lol. To start my Tuesday, I did a custom workout on the Wii Active then after I attended to Mommy duties, Brad left to go pick up our information documents he had left at the Army recruiters office weeks ago. He’s looking more towards Air Force now but It’s up to him! Katie was watching a cartoon and I wanted to burn 100 more calories so I jogged almost 0.6 miles on the treadmill! Ate the same post-workout snack as I did yesterday then got a shower. Katie and I just hung out then I fed her a snack and fixed my hair while waiting for Brad to return so we could go grocery shopping. He was attempting to get back at 3PM but didn’t make it back till 4PM and he usually leaves for his church meeting at 5:45PM so we knew we had to get it done pretty quickly and that’s just what we did! I had eaten a piece of my 35 calorie bread with 1 tablespoon Jiffy peanut butter a bit before leaving for the store and so when we were done shopping, we both got a protein bar to eat on the way home! YUM, I love protein bars!!!!!!! Instead of my almond milk, I bought the chocolate soy again! I DID NOT buy cool whip! WOOT. Instead, I bought some yogurt parfait like I used to and I’ll have that frozen on a cone for dessert tonight. Also, bought 2 little containers of Dannon Greek Yogurt since It’s $1 a piece… sheesh. I want a lifetime supply of that stuff! IT’S SO GOOD. I got some turkey meat to snack on in the evenings like I used to! Yipppppeeee! Munched on our protein bars on the way back then Brad unloaded the groceries and headed out for his church meeting!
I put away groceries then fixed a snack since I was getting a bit hungry. Sorted and put away our chicken for the week then Katie was getting fussy since she was hungry so I hurridly fixed her dinner then fed her and started to prep for our dinner! Somewhere in here I also started a load of laundry then once dinner was done and put into the fridge, I got Katie’s bath all ready!

Heh. I got her dressed for bed then rocked her for about 10 minutes. She can actually count to 6.. 7? My girl is getting big! She always tries to sing along with the ABC song when I sing it too! I put her down for bed then got my dinner heated.

When we went shopping today, we bought a new seasoning for our chicken and so I tried that tonight. It was actually really good! I’m about to get up and go fold our laundry and then get my dessert! My love should be home soon, yay!
I hope everyone has a great night and know that God LOVES YOU!
Omg your little girl looks just like you – beautiful!
I am on a shake diet and I hate it. I don’t think I’ll be on it for long. I would rather go for a diet that is just eating good and exercising. I have no energy! Good luck to you though. I hope your body is nicer than mine.