BOO! How has everyone’s week been??! Let’s back up. This last weekend on Saturday Katie helped Daddy out with our pumpkin! Here is the scaaaary end result:

If you look closely you can see “something” in the pumpkin’s other eye – it’s a heart! Guess who’s idea that was to carve in? Heh. Brad chose the overall face tho. Mr. Pumpkin is sitting on our front porch!
The last month or two I have had a new co-teacher at church and she asked to be released, so I’m awaiting a new partner. We were short on time for my lesson, but I’m great at just winging it and trying to summarize what I had already planned to teach. I know I owe this learning and growing in teaching from just going with the flow and listening to the Holy Ghost. It’s incredible, but I do admit that I enjoy teaching adults more than children. However, there is always something to learn from teaching, whether young or adults. I’m thankful for the opportunities to teach The Gospel. After church, I actually felt like I wanted to do something, so I decided to get mine and Katie’s bikes and take them out. When Brad saw that I was going to take the bikes out – he said he would join too! I’m happy he did. Katie is getting better with learning to pedal, but she still needs lots of practice! It was actually pretty hot and I pushed myself too hard, but I wanted to get out there and let her practice. I ended up telling Brad to take over and help, while I sat on the pavement. It sucks to want to do so much physically and my body is just like – NOPE! I still have a ways to go with healing, and it seems I get a little bit of energy and end up going backwards because I do too much. Arrrgh. Anyway, we spent about an hour outside then Brad said, “Welp, that’s enough for now!” We gathered bikes and went back in.
On Monday my Aunt came over to talk, watch music videos, and the 1st episode of Surviving Evil (Charisma Carpenter’s story). It was awesome, but then she went to smoke outside and we talked out there. I was not careful and ended up coming back in to eat my lunch an HOUR out of my usual time frame. NOT GOOD. It always take a toll If I DO NOT eat within a certain amount of time. Needless to say, from doing too much Sunday and not eating on time Monday – I used Tuesday as my do-as-little-as-possible day and mostly laid around. It really helped! I felt better yesterday, but I’ve noticed I have felt “off”, so I stopped taking the liquid adrenal support because It seems from previous trial and errors I’ve done that If I take too much then I start to feel a certain way, so we’ll see how it goes. I’m excited for my next appointment with my Naturopath this coming Tuesday! I am def gonna order a new thyroid lab to see where my levels are and go from there. I am 100% certain that If I get my thyroid levels balanced that I will see a big improvement, since I’ve also now been supporting my adrenals.
Katie has been very talkative at school this week and has gotten yellow every day so far, even with trying to talk to her and put her to bed a little earlier than usual. I think she might be coming down with a cold, so that might be a little part of it, but still she knows better. Hopefully today she will come home with a good “green”!!!
EWWW, it’s such a rainy, dreary day. I really dislike winter, to be honest. The beautiful, sunny, mild fall days are awesome and welcomed. I looked at the 10 day forecast and it looks like it will jump from 70 during the day to the 50’s towards the end of October, with 30’s at night. BRRRR. Have an awesome weekend!!! Peace, love, and light to you guys. <3
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