Thank goodness today has been so far an AWESOME Saturday!!!!!!!! A couple weeks ago we got a call from a church missionary that we haven’t seen in over a year and he said he wanted to come visit us in August and let us meet his parents. Since the last time we’ve seen him, hes wrote us a couple letters, which, is so nice of him! He was one of the first missionaries to help us learn about the church and The Gospel. Today was the day he was stopping by so Brad and I waited and peered out the window as we waited. Finally they arrive and we met his Mom, Dad, Sister and Niece and they all are WONDERFUL. The visit was short but very uplifting and totally made my day. They had to go elsewhere and Brad had to leave for work but they gave us a “Families are Forever” portrait to hang and a little spiritual book that is sooo awesome. I’ve only read a few pages and already love it a lot. Apparently, the missionary constantly talked about us in the letters he wrote to his parents when he was serving his mission and that really touched my heart. What a lovely family!
After everyone left, I got Katie up and fed her then started the first part of my cleaning on the house. Katie went down for her nap and then I did part two of the cleaning and got it all done!!! I tried to call Mom this morning but after talking for a few minutes she whispered in the phone that she had company and to call her back later, lol. This afternoon I got my talk written up for church– Brad and I might have to talk tomorrow If the original speaker doesn’t show up.
I’m so glad I opened my eyes to religion because my life has changed for the better. I now understand so much more about life and how I can be TRULY happy. Isn’t that what everyone wants?!!! So many people reject religion just “because” when If they really stop and quit being so rejective they would see happiness and truth is standing right in front of them the whole time and we can ALL have it if we would just be willing to open our hearts and minds to the unknown. The same concept is so true for health and fitness. People are so negative and rejective on trying to exercise and eat right because they don’t feel they can do it but we can do ANYTHING WE SET OUR MINDS TO, ANYTHING!!!!!!
So next time you think you can’t do something — instead say you CAN and then give it a try. Whatever it may be and you may find a little piece of happiness from it as long as its from the right kind of source and right kind of purpose. We must BELIEVE in ourselves and believe in God.
p.s. – I lost 1 pound this week!!! i’m thinking the other pound (since I lost 2 pounds last week) went to muscle this week!
Seeing old friends is always a lot of fun..glad the day went well! And I totally agree, many people do not try new things because they simply think they can’t do it. Most would be amazed if they just gave it a try! Congrats on your weight loss…I’ve been consistently losing a pound a week myself (though I really only started 2 weeks ago