YUP so our move was indeed rescheduled for tomorrow instead of today since we got lots of rain and random storms throughout the day today. I have been such a BUM this evening!!! I should be showering, cleaning Rocko’s cage and doing laundry but here I sit! When I even attempt to bend over, my sinuses feel so heavy like their gonna detach from my face… haha.
Brad got up this morning and went to the auto store to buy new windshield wipers for the car since he said the others were dead! We loaded up a few bags and boxes to take over to the HOUSE and so we dropped those off then headed to Wal-Mart to pick up a few things for the house. We got a shower rod, shower liner, stove top drip trays, new toilet seat and Brad got some spray for the car. It stormed while were in there and thankfully was only sprinkling when we walked to the car. Brad had to get ready to go to the church conference so he shaved then I got the clippers out and cut his hair! I fixed him a chicken sandwich since he was in a hurry and also packed him a goodie bag so he wouldn’t have to starve the rest of the evening. He smelled so good and looked so handsome as he walked to the car. Heh. I fed Katie her lunch then she went down for nap time and I could finally fix some lunch!!! I was just about to eat my frozen smoothie when I noticed we were under a tornado warning and It started POURING rain! I heard the tornado siren got off atleast 3 times so I paced the floor and anticipated whether or not I should wake Katie. OK better to be safe than sorry! I go wake her up and come downstairs with purse, flashlight, cellphone. Brad calls a few minutes later to tell me he made it to his destination and I tell him of the current situation and he says where he is it’s BEAUTIFUL and even hot! Get off the phone with him and let Katie sleep in my arms while I listen to the rain outside and wait for any sign that might signal we should jump into our living room closet. The rain subsides and Katie wiggles in my arms. Around 30 minutes later It was quiet outside and the rain had stopped so I took Katie back up to her bed to sleep for a bit longer. Insert crying and then her finally drifting back off to sleep. I finished my DELICIOUS frozen smoothie [LOVE LOVE LOVE THEM] then thought about trying to get motivated to do a few things around the house. Nope.. my sinus pain wins and I don’t do much of anything. Katie got up a bit later and I wanted to take some pictures of her in the new outfit my Mom bought her for her Easter slash birthday presents!

I was trying to come up with something a little different for a snack so I took forever then decided on this!

Whole grain bread smeared with half a tablespoon whipped peanut butter, banana slices and a tiny bit of sugar free maple syrup and a side of boiled brussel sprouts! It was indeed very yummy. Carb, protein, fruit, veggie! Yessir, I am good to go. Now If only this sinus would clear up and I could get my FULL energy back and It shall, It shall!!!
Tomorrow morning Brad’s Mom is coming to help us start moving things then tomorrow evening other people from church are coming to help move the big furniture and whatnot! EEE I hope we’ll be in our house by tomorrow night!!!! I may or may not post tomorrow depending on If I take the time with all the crazyness! If we get moved into the house tomorrow then we won’t have Internet until later in the week!
Hope everyone has a great (rest of the) weekend! SUPER EXCITED, SQUEE!
Sorry you have to wait another day! That gives you one more day to be excited, right?
What a cute outfit!
I love brussel sprouts!!
Very cute 🙂
TORNADO WARNING? Sounds like you were a lot more calm than I would have been!
That’s stinky that you had to postpone your moving day plans. Tornados are awesome! 🙂 They are pretty fascinating. lol, i’m weird. katie looks absolutely adorable in her new outfit! She’s such a pretty girl.