The last few days we’ve had a thunderstorm atleast once a day! When Brad and I got up this morning, It was already gloomy out but felt good! Once Brad left, I finished breakfast then decided instead of my resistance rope DVD I’d do another custom workout on the Wii Active so I set up a workout and GOT TO IT! I wound up burning 300 calories, YAHOOOOOO! I got Katie up, dressed, fed and all set up with Rugrats: All Grown Up while I finished my exercise for the day with a 20 minute SPEED session on the exercise bike! I was SOAKED by the time I was done but It was awesome!!!! I went to the kitchen and drank some water then ate a chocolate deluxe protein bar. OOH, It was YUMMY. Afterwards, I got a shower then fed Katie a snack. I let her play in the living room for almost an hour while I started my online work. Eventually put her down for a nap then got ready for LUNCH!
Then this came along….

Lots of rain for the flowers and some relief from all this HEAT, HEAT, HEAT that we’ve had. I gobbled down a yummy veggie sandwich, a small brussel sprout and spinach salad plus a white NECTARINE! I figured I’d try those instead of peaches this week and OH YEA, their great! Brad came home and we talked on his lunch break. He headed back to work and I worked, worked, worked online.
Got a bit hungry so I fixed a snack!

Not the best lighting but It’s okie! This consists of 0.25 cup 1% cottage cheese, 0.25 cup raw carrots, 0.5 cup apple, 1 cup multigrain cheerios, 0.5 oz of mixed nuts, a whole bunch of CINNAMON and a bit of sugar free maple syrup. DROOOOOOOOOL.
I ate that and worked a bit but still wasn’t satisfied so I had another cup of multigrain cheerios with half a cup of almond milk. That’s been a little while ago and I’m getting hungry again. All that exercise works up the appetite!!! I styled my hair and sat down to type this post! Gotta get the babe back up, feed her then get back to online work! I plan on having 2 more snacks before dinner – french toast and a small chocolate protein shake.
Feeling pretty good! I know I can do GREAT things by living The Gospel and His commandments and I won’t let ANYTHING stand in my way of being positive and living my life to the fullest! Neither should you or anyone else!!! We all deserve true happiness so reach for it but we must cleanse our lives of as much sin as possible which can take some tough decisions and changes but we CAN do it!!!!!! God loves you and He wants YOU to be happy!
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