Ugh… I woke up with a slight headache that I’ve kept all day. I didn’t really feel like exercising since I also woke up even more tired than usual so I decided instead to go outside and walk around. I really need to work out the small stressors in my life and work to fix them because that will help my body with the healing process of getting back to where I used to be – where I want to be. A lot of TINY TINY little things get the better of me now and I get so angry and frustrated so easily and I just want to have fun and be happy. I’ve done great today with my eating so I am glad of that much!!! So yea, this morning I let Katie watch a Scooby Doo movie while I did some things around the house then after a snack, I took her outside. She loves it of course! We stayed outside for about an hour I think? She got attacked by ants and then after I got her away from the antpile, she went right back to it. I’m like UHHH NO! We came back in and I fed her then put her down for nap. I’ve got some laundry going but not much is going on… sitting here eating a snack and going to get her up in a bit and feed her.
SO I’ve got my eating habits on the right track and my sleeping is a bit better than It was as far as schedule. Now I’ve just got to find a way to deal better with daily little stresses.. espically with Katie. She’s such a good baby but she gets frustrated with something and cries then I get frustrated with her. I haven’t taken a nap during the day in a while but I took a little one today… had to since I’ve felt so exhausted. I made the mistake of getting on the scale this morning. I’m so disappointed because I’m at the highest weight I’ve been since losing my good bit of weight. I know right now with my body in chaos that my body will hold onto EVERYTHING and hinder weight loss so until I get back on the right track I’m hoping to keep good eating habits and atleast STAY THE SAME weight and not keep gaining. I’m already so disappointed also since my pants are getting too tight. All that work and now I’m going back to the way I was?!!!!!!! NO WAY. In March of this year I was 135… I want to get back there and reach my FINAL GOAL of 130 and I will. One day I will. I hope It’s sooner than I think it is but I’ve just gotta be patient and wait for my body to heal since I got myself into this mess in the first place.
I’d like a vacation… baby-free for a while. Anyhow, I took some pics while outside.

I pray for peace of mind so that I can sort all of this out. I can do it because I am strong because of my Heavenly Father.
Don’t stress out. I am trying to lose weight myself. We can both do this! If you ever need a weight loss buddy, hit me up!