As I was about to go to sleep last night, I was contemplating whether I wanted to exercise the next morning or not. I felt pretty tired from Monday’s and that days exercise so I thought I’d see how I felt this morning. I really wanted to get back into my exercise. I woke up and still felt kindof tired and decided that I would not exercise until I feel like I should. My legs are sore from yesterday’s workout and I AM HAPPPPY about that! My body is still in detox mode even though I’ve started solid food again… plus my systems are still trying to balance so I still need to rest. AND.. going back to bed after breakfast this morning sounded extra, extra loooovely!!!!! I had my raw oat mixture this morning then went back to sleep! Eventually got up and started the usual Mommy routine. Later in the morning I snacked on: WATERMELON, blueberries, seaweed and a date. I bought a big container of blueberries Monday I think? I’m getting low already.. fruit is like CANDY to me now! OH and another small green salad with blueberries, lentils and dressing. While Katie played on the porch, I caught up with the Internet world and did some college work.
Katie had her lunch at the usual time but after my snacking and small salad – I still wasn’t hungry so I waited!!! I didn’t eat until after Katie went down for her nap, I got a shower THEN I was hungry! For my lunch today, I had an awesomesauce salad! I usually have half my salad RAW and the other half with a little boiled (frozen) veggies plus a portion that is sauteed and I did that part in COCONUT OIL. It smelled HEAVENLY. On the side: my usual FIBER shake. Shake, shake, shake!!! Shake ya boooootay!

I got Katie’s dinner ready and took a few bites of my Luna bar while I also got my dinner items ready! Katie ate while I boiled some chopped okra to add to my leftover salad plus I put some SPROUTS into it along with a bit more greens. Dinner was soooooo good, ESPICALLY with the cosmic cranberry Kombucha!

* wearehungry

He made it with nori wraps, brown rice, imitation crab and cucumber! Here is my little sample plate…

I just finished my chilled oatmeal dessert and now for my HOT TEA WITH TRUVIA! Brad is currently watching S1E1 of Sons of Anarchy. I’m a little interested… but only a little… I MIGHT be taking Katie to the park in the morning since we haven’t been in a long while and that will give me exercise and sunshine for the day PLUS Katie will HAVE A BLAST I am sure. CAN’T WAIT FOR FRIDAY and the WEEKEND!
p.s. – seems my digestive system is really starting to crank up since ive been um.. expelling plenty! TMI but that makes me super happy, LOL!
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