Yup… just as I thought, this week really has flown by! TOMORROW IS FRIDAY, YAY!!! Brad and I stayed up waaaaay too late this earlyearly morning. We didn’t get to sleep until 2AM and then had to get back up at 6AM… BUT I felt great to have only a few hours of sleep.
This morning I had a bowl of OATMEAL! I haven’t had that in a while. In the mix was cooked oats, almonds, chia seeds, unsweetened almond milk, plain yogurt and can’t forget the CINNAMON! I think I added blueberries? Some kind of fruit! Stayed up and was getting sooooo sleeeeeepy so I went back sleep for about an hour and a half before It was time to start the day.
Fed Katie, got her situated and she spent the morning doing her usual:

Exercise for today – TBW! Treadmill, Bike, and of course the Wii Active. I am so happy because this week I have really been getting a good sweaty workout EVERY day and how do I know it’s good? This:

Post-workout goods: 1 cup of watermelon that didn’t taste good… don’t think the last container is any good :/ plus my fiber/protein smoothie that is AWESOME because I love how the husk thickens up the smoothie… er shake or whatever you want to call it! I CALL IT GOOD.
Fed Katie lunch, folded laundry then eventually NAP TIME for the babe. Once again, she gave me hassle for almost an hour. I fixed such a wonderful salad for luuuunch.

This afternoon re-cap:
>> tried the Clif apricot bar.. I like!
>> college work
>> walked to Moms house to talk to her and eat my dinner salad!
Came home, ate my frozen yogurt / berries / protein powder and I can’t wait to get sleep tonight! I CAN’T WAIT TILL TOMORROW OR SATURDAY since we get to go shopping then Saturday we get to see what we can find to do! Yippeeeeee!
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