What is your favorite veggie??? Mine would have to be the ever so wonderful SWEET POTATO.

One of our current favorite side dishes is the awesomeness that is sweet potato fries! Put some ground black pepper and black pepper on them to bake and you have simple seasoning that makes for a wonderful spice up. I LOVE the skin and all. Another way that I like to eat this delicious veggie is to put them in water and then either stovetop heat them or by microwave until they are tender. They are called one of the healthiest veggies with loads of nutritional value to them. All this talk is making me hungry! Speaking of which, I’m gonna have to grab a snack soon as I need to satisfy my tummy tum. Our health is SO important!! That is something I’ve really got a firm grasp on now. Everything I eat needs to be the right kind of FUEL to keep me going.
~ running around getting the house cleaned
~ at the same time attempting to keep Katie content
~ washed and folded 2 loads of clothes to be put away
~ turned our mattress since one end was getting flat (we have foam!)
~ washed our bedspread and bed sheets
~ wished I could of went to 2 different events but wasn’t able to but atleast I had the WANT to go!
You know what would be interesting? To keep count of how many times I do things around my house. I know I atleast wash dishes 3-4 times a day. I’d like to know how many times I go up and down our stairs, open and close our fridge and various other things, LOL. It’s awesome, I love being so active now.
I could NEVER pick my favorite veggie! I think my favorites are definitely green, though. I love broccoli and celery and spinach and lettuce and such… though I love carrots and ahhhhhh yeah I can’t pick.
You accomplished a lot today!
Mmm, sweet potatoes. What’s funny is that up until very recently, I didn’t even like them! But then I had some on Valentine’s Day. They were mashed, mixed with butter and a little bit of, I don’t know… nutmeg maybe? Whatever it was, they were amazing!
I think my favorite vegetable is broccoli, believe it or not. I love sprinkling a bit of cheese on them and digging right in!
sweet potato is yummy.. well one time, we had this event in school and has everything catered.. so yeah, the food thats being catered was supposed to have mashed potatoes.. But the thing is, when the visitors tasted it they were all like- is this sweet potato? blah blah and in the end they didnt like it =( they shouldve told us that it was sweet potato and not the other potato..
I just realised I wasn’t following you on Twitter so I did. 🙂 I’m @jeorgina!
SWEET POTATO. My parents come from Indonesia and they have this wonderful Indonesian dessert with sweet potato and brown sugar. It’s delicious! I had no idea sweet potatoes were really that good. I guess we underestimate a lot of those plants. ;D
House chores always amuse me. Since my parents are busy or at work during the day, I’ve been filling in and doing all the chores during my uni break. I’m going back this week so they can’t totally rely on me to iron, sweep, wash, fold. 😛 But I felt pretty good today doing the dishes, ironing, sweeping and folding clothes. It makes me feel good because I’m doing something other than sitting at this screen. xD
I would also like to find out how many times I do something. I mean, I wash the dishes in the morning after brekky, then after lunch, then at dinner… there’s always so much to do around the house.
It’s really cool that you’ve been so active lately! And very productive as well 🙂 I love potatoes! I don’t live a healthy lifestyle but one of the favorite stuff I eat are potatoes. They’re the best 😀 Congrats on the weight loss! Like I said, I admire your determination! 🙂
mmm!! I absolutely love sweet potatoes! I love how Texas roadhouse does the sweet potatoes. They put brown sugar, butter and marshmallows. Yumm!!