Lost 1 more pound this week which puts me up to 60 POUNDS LOST, YEAH!!! 🙂
Today was so special and wonderful. Today, Brad’s Mom drove us to Birmingham, AL to our church Temple. Brad, Katie and I have been sealed together for time and all eternity as a family <3 It was pouring rain when we got to the Temple so we got soaked and my hair frizzed haha. Brad’s Mom watched Katie for us in the waiting room while we did our Temple ordinances and said Katie did awesome so that’s good 🙂 Afterwards, we all went out to eat with some church friends and had a wonderful time talking with them.
I’m so happy. SO grateful, thankful and blessed for my life. For my wonderful husband and our beautiful daughter. Also for my wonderful husband who opened my eyes to The Gospel so that I could feel the way I do today — faithful, spiritual and happy. 🙂
PICS!!!! Please excuse my hair.. lol.

This is a day I will never forget and will always cherish. WHEE! Gonna call my MOMMY then eventually make dinner and watch some of our new episodes of our SHOWS! I’m so delighted <333 and I love my husband with everything I am, with every part of me. 🙂 🙂 🙂
60 pounds?! Holy cow! You are doing AMAZING Shellie!!!! And your family is so beautiful!