I keep thinking to myself…. what am I doing wrong in terms of my health and body to make this hormonal imbalance worse? Brad might be stopping by Wal-Mart tonight so I told him If he gets to-to buy multi-vitamins and flaxseed for me. I read more in Master Your Metabolism and decided to give a few suggestions in the book a try for today. I ate a big breakfast then ate a tablespoon of peanut butter before my workout then waited around an hour and 30 minutes before eating lunch. What Jillian suggested is to space out meals to every 4 hours and I did pretty well today so far. Right after Katie went down for her nap, I also went and laid on our bed. I went to sleep for almost an hour but I woke up with a hot flash… grr. Speaking of waking up, I woke up this morning at 4AM!!!!!! because I had to go pee and then once I got back to bed, I couldn’t go to sleep! Figures! I tossed and turned and eventually heard the clock CLICK which meant It was 5AM… I eventually drifted off to sleep. Annoying.
Figured I would include a picture of one of my snackaroos from today.

I had bought celery this last grocery trip since It was only $1 and I needed more fat so I put some peanut butter on a stalk of celery plus 1 dried cranberry! In the little cup was a mix of a little cottage cheese, half a serving of mixed nuts and a little of this and that. I’m going to buy different peanut butter because the whipped has Hydrogenated Vegetable Oils in it and apparently Jillian suggested to stay away from Hydrogenated items. Also going to replace my “fat free” deli turkey with something that has cleaner ingredients or just switch to something else completely. Also looking at my current food intake, I know I don’t eat enough veggies. I also plan on switching from canned veggies to as fresh as possible along with dried beans instead of canned beans. I know these little changes will help all our health as a family.
Talking about anything HEALTHY makes me super happy and that’s exactly what I need right now is happiness so I will continue to blog my progress as I get my metabolism and hormones to where they should be. The same thing happened to Jillian herself… she messed up her hormones with her lifestyle and diet but took the right steps to be HEALTHY AND THIN. Not JUST to be thin but most of all to be healthy! That’s my goal. I will do it — If Jillian can you better believe I WILL. She works out an hour 5 days a week and eats 1800-2000 calories to maintain her 120 pound, 5’2″ body frame. That’s the good thing about metabolism and hormones they CAN BE CHANGED but that requires lifestyle and diet changes. A lot of people blame age and family genetics on their weight and problems when most ALL of the time It’s their daily activities (or lack thereof) that is causing their body (and lives) to be in misery, turmoil and that causes a big stink. I can testify to that much as every day is a struggle for me right now but I’m going to fight. I got myself into this mess and I’m gonna work to straighten it out and get to feeling lean, thin, HAPPY AS EVER and that all will help me live longer and be stronger! I cannot WAIT to have that full blown energy I used to feel – It was so awesome. I haven’t felt that way since February? March? I don’t remember. I just know things went WAAAAAY downhill starting in April. I was hoping summer 2010 would be the best and It turned out to be almost the worst but that’s OK!!! I’ll strive to make fall and winter of this year atleast “better” and then HOPEFULLY will start the new year with a rockin’, energetic metabolism. Or atleast by my birthday (March) of next year?? I realllllly, realllllllllly, realllllllly want to be able to run 3-4 miles in one workout as I used to. I LOVE running and as I sit here I dream about bundling up this winter and going out running and feeling fantastic because of it. I only run short distances now because If I try to push myself (which I CAN and HAVE) It leaves me feeling DEAD and miserable because there is like 2% energy in me! I only do 30 minutes of exercise 5 days a week now and THAT also leaves me extremely tired to where I have to take a nap in the afternoon.
I will pray. I will make changes. I will NEVER GIVE IN, NEVER GIVE UP till I can rebalance my energy, hormones and metabolism!!! Well, gonna go put on some laundry and do more healthy research! This will be my main focus and atleast that will keep my mind busy and on something that drives me to be motivated and brings some happiness into my life.
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