It’s been rainy and cold all day, ew. I cannot wait for SUNSHINE, SPRING and then my favorite… SUMMER! For now I will have to settle on what my imagination can give me in the ways of sand and sun! Ahhh, bliss of the mind. I ran 2.6 miles on the treadmill and have been doing my usual energizer bunny housewife duties!
Update on Katie’s thumb sucking battle situation! I read over many, many articles on thumb sucking and have decided to call off the battle… for now. She is too young for it because she doesn’t understand WHY I want her to stop. BUT! I also realized that the ONLY time she sucks her thumb is when I give her one of her favorite toys that have TAGS on them! She puts the tag up close to her face and then she automatically puts her thumb in her mouth. So tag = thumb = thumb sucking. Guess what! I went upstairs this morning and cut the tags off of all her main toys and at nap time I gave her extra toys to play with in her crib and at one point I stopped mid-exercise to go look at her on the video monitor and she was ASLEEP WITHOUT HER THUMB. A bit later she did have her thumb in her mouth but then later she didn’t once again so I think taking the tags out of the equation may be the thing that gets her to self-wean herself from her thumb! I knew I had to do something different because the sock-mitten with safety pins was… well, putting me on pins and needles because I was afraid she might get them off then poke her eye out or something. I FEEL RELIEVED!
I was pondering many things today. For all who do believe in God — If we believe in God, shouldn’t just that help us believe in ourselves? I used to not believe in my own self. Feelings of worthlessness overwhelmed me and fear surrounded me every day. Now that I have centered my life around God, I BELIEVE. I believe in Him, I believe IN MYSELF! I don’t understand how someone could believe in God but not themselves because GOD is the one who makes us strong. Therefore, If we believe in Him, we KNOW we can and WILL be strong because of His Gospel. Because of this, I don’t put off anything anymore. Fold laundry… later? NOPE, I have learned to not be idle but to just get it done and I feel better for doing all these things and not putting anything off.
I look back at how I used to be and how I have transformed my BODY. WOW. I’m still in a sense of amazement. For so long I had a big belly and felt so uncomfortable with my apperance. FOR SO LONG. I guess it’s still gonna take time for me to get used to looking at and wearing all those smaller clothes that I once only DREAMED of fitting into. I remember how I used to feel and I will not let myself be that person anymore. I am so much stronger than that because I am WORTH IT.

I was lost and didn’t know my own true feelings or how to work through them. I was so anxious, scared and feared the whole world. I look at that picture and am so blessed to have come this far. I cannot even explain it.

I KNOW who I am now. I AM a child of God and I know I will and can be strong with God leading the way in my life. If my life isn’t a testimony of what God can do for you then I don’t know what is because I have changed in EVERY aspect of my life BECAUSE OF GOD! I will take each and every day I have been blessed with and make the best of it to do all that I can to draw closer to God and why wouldn’t I want that?? God loves all His children but yet look how wicked we can be to such a loving God who has given us so much. Woe be unto the children of men who do harden their hearts away from the true God who can help strengthen and bring them closer to that everlasting happiness.
I understand so much more now about myself. I really do! I pray others will come unto this knowledge and understanding as well but we have to BE THY HUMBLE. Humble your heart to God. He can and will show you the way. If we would only hearken to His commandments and words instead of shutting Him away. He only wants us to spread His Gospel and to help one another grow to be stronger in this life. That is all He wants but yet so many refuse it.. including myself until I decided to humble my heart. That’s when it all changed. That was the day and I am only moving forward. What about you?
It’s good that you have to be comfortable with yourself because that adds confident.
Since I’m a nurse, thumb sucking means in psychology is common to babies since it is their comfort zone.. To someone, who is old enough, they haven’t get through with that stage, well I think you should let them know that it’s not normal..that means, they are lacking of attention and afraid..