I am about lose my mind. Back in July, I think? I found out that my estrogen and progestrone are very low so I got put on birth control to help regulate those. Well, It was helping little by little but recently I decided to back off exercise a bit more and also try to cut my calories a little too. I want to lose this dang weight I’ve gained through this whole blasted phase. Brad has been staying out way late with his friends to go work out and I’ve been staying up to wait for him so I’ve been losing about ~2 hours of sleep at night. Saturday and Sunday I ate WAY too much. Monday I started the new above plan of less exercise, less calories and I did OK Monday and part of Tuesday. For a long while now I’ve been having heart palpatations where It feels like my heart is just racing. Not only that but also night sweats and I took a nap last night while waiting for Brad and when I did wake up, I had a slight headache. All these symptoms are just exactly like those of menopause but I’m not of that age (yet!) but It’s alllllllllll happening because my body is completely OUT of sync. I’ve had a hard time now for months but espically lately with dealing with stress. I don’t even want to deal with Katie because I get so worked up even though I SHOULDN’T but I DO because my body is out of whack. It’s insane.

I’ve spent most of today laying around getting as much rest as possible. My appetite is screwed up so I constantly feel hungry then I’ve got the heart palpatations, hot flashes and just general BLAH feeling going on. Will I EVER GET BACK TO NORMAL?!!!!!!
I’m setting a strict bed time schedule and Brad said that If I need to – to go onto bed and not wait for him so that’s what I’m going to have to do. My church friend was supposed to come over today and she didn’t get to… that also really, really bummed me out. I was really looking forward to that. I know I need to keep exercise to a VERY minimum but I guess I need to find a little bit higher calorie intake and stick to that until these hormones decide to level out and get plenty of sleep since my body is trying to recover.
Sigh… I’ll get put back into place one day.
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