These past two days?!?! One word: WONDERFUL! Yesterday was the Temple trip and our friend came by to hang out. Today was getting up and going to church then going out and about to visit some people to talk to them about The Gospel – what a BLESSING to try to spread the love that Jesus Christ wants us to! We had our church meeting start at 1PM instead of 9AM since we spent the morning visiting people. Katie was SUPER TIRED by that point and kept randomly crying but eventually perked up a little bit. She went to nursery for another hour for the last meeting and then Katie and I didn’t get home till after 5:30PM! Brad went with our church friend who is selling us one of their cars to get a new battery for it so our friend drove me and Katie back home. We now have the MAZDA! It’s a black 1998 Mazda 626… with a SUNROOF! We just need to get a new transmission but everything is fine! YESSS! Anyhow, I came home to feed Katie since she was starving and I grabbed a nectarine and my protein bar to eat since I hadn’t eaten anything since around 12:40pm-ish. I thought about putting Katie down for a nap after we got home but by the time I fed her… It was getting late so I just let her stay up a little past 8PM since I got her ready for bed then read to her a little before putting her to bed. Shew!!!!! Just sat down a few minutes ago to eat dinner. My plans for tonight:

Yup! Dinner and Netflix movie with my love!!! Have a great night everyone know that Heavenly Father loves ALL of us and wants us ALL to be….. HAPPY and we CAN be If we strive to do the right things in our lives!
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