Yesss. Finally! A new layout! Was getting way, way tired of looking at all that green. It’s nice to have something new up.
*sigh* Well, Brad is having another one of his fits. He came home and asked if I wanted to go to Hamiliton to Client Logic to get applications and ask questions and then I told him I thought we were gonna do laundry this evening and then decided we’d do it tomorrow but then I was silent and he said, “nevermind, forget it.” He got up and went in the kitchen and knocked over his lunch mini cooler then went to the bedroom and lo and behold, it was just like the last time. He’s still back there. Suppose he’ll stay back there all night? I bet so. *SIIIIIGH* I didn’t give him a yes or no answer, sheesh. I don’t know what to do. I know he doesn’t like where he’s working now but GAH, he doesn’t have to keep doing this to me!!!! Always having a fit and then going into the bedroom for the whole afternoon and night. Sometimes I’m not very sympathetic, which is why I haven’t went back there to talk to him and then at other times, like now – I feel like I should.
This is so messed up. Guess I’ll go back there and try to talk to him..
Later loves

edit@ 10:58PM Well, not long after I posted this entry, he came back in here and we finally talked, cried (we always cry! rofl) and it turns out that he was just mad and didn’t want to throw his anger towards me so he just went to bed. he’s upset about a few things – mainly that he’s not liking his job. we fixed dinner and then watched BONES