Church was wonderful this morning and then I came home and ate a veggie burger and a smoothie for lunch! Walked outside and called my Mom to talk to her for a bit. Later this evening I cooked dinner then decided to take Katie outside while I sat on the porch and ate dinner. The breeze was great! Brad also came to sit outside with us and after I ate dessert, we all went walking around the house. Found out was have THREE peach trees!!! Their pretty small trees and aren’t doing well…. I picked off lots of dead peaches. Sad!!! There was one tree that had THREE big peaches that are almost good enough to pick and I really hope they live! Brad put Katie on his shoulders and walked around until she got tired of him holding onto her hands, hah. She has been SO FUSSY TODAY. She’s thrown a handful of fits this evening… sheesh.
This was the view we got this evening. Beautiful!!!!!!!!!!

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