I was really aware of my food timing and food combos today! I’m trying to get my body into a “food combo” rhythm and hopefully that will help straighten my digestion out.
After food combo research, here are my basic “wait for digestion” times:
– 15 minutes after drinking water
– 30 minutes after fruits
– about 2 hours after carb combos
– about 3-4 hours after protein combos
We’ll see how this works out. This morning I had a little water mixed with apple cidar vinegar to start my day with regular water and a few sips of my Triology KOMBUCHA !!!
*15 minutes later…* I ate a delish apple, my fav, PINK LADY.
*30 minutes later…* Time for breakfast!!!
– cooked oat combo with a little pumpkin butter, cinnamon, dark chocolate = YUMMY carb combo.
Eventually, Katie and I headed out after 9AM for our daily walk. It actually wasn’t too hot since we went a bit earlier. When we were almost home, we sat on the grass and enjoyed the sunshine. A guy actually stopped to ask If we needed water… it was very kind of him!! We came home and proceeded with the day.
Next food carb combo!

The rest of the morning was spent working on college assignments while Katie played. Once babe was down for nap, I took my PROTEIN packed lunch (greek yog, almond butter, almonds, cinnamon, chlorophyll drops, lil supplement powder) with me to munch on while I took a refreshing hot bath. I went to lay in bed and read a little religious material afterwards and really started to feel serious DETOX symptoms. Same kindof stuff I felt on the juice cleanse and man, it sucks. I talked to my Mom on the phone for a bit and she’s not doing so hot either… =/ Also, talked to Brad on his work break then talked to Mom for a little longer. Once I got off the phone, I laid down and slept for about an hour.
Nothing big to note about the afternoon … I wanted to wait long enough for my PROTEIN combo meal to digest so after I got up, I just drank hot tea and some water.

Just finished the rest of my Kombucha that I have been sipping on all day… what’s for dessert? 200 calories WORTH OF FRUIT!!! Which ones? That is still in debate! Feeling a little sleepy now. I’m letting Katie watch an episode of Spongebob before bed, she and BRAD both are glued to the tube, LOL.
Hope your hump day has been awesome !!!
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