Hey! How is everyone? Good I hope!!!
I’ve been listening a lot lately to my All American Rejects new CD. I’ve had it a while but never really listened to it. So I got out all the new CDs I got a while back but haven’t really listened to and am starting to give my ear a listen for them.

Meant to say this last weekend but forgot to…
Saturday I took my digi cam and took new pics of the animals and the trailor!!!! So..
click! new pics!

OMG! I got SO FRIGGIN MAD at Abby today. Do you remember that stray dog Brad’s cousin wanted us to take? Well, he basically lives outside in our yard and well everytime I let Abby outside to go to the bathroom, she doesn’t. She just goes and plays with that stray dog and then Brad’s lab Buddy and doesn’t do her business. Then, when she comes in and goes to sleep at night, I wake up to a nice pile’o poop in the kitchen. Tis a lovely thing to wake up to!!!!!! *sarcasm* Well, I let her outside today and she went to playin. I waited a bit then went to call her in. Of COURSE she just looked at me and continued chasing the stray dog. Waited. Still nothing. I put on my sandals and tried to go after her. She just kept running with the stray dog. Not listening ONE BIT to me. She even followed him DOWN THE ROAD!!!!!! I tried calling her nicely, tried screaming for her to come – telling her to “STOP!” Did she listen? Not ONCE. I went down the road to try to get her. Same thing happened and then they ran back to our yard. By then, I was out of breath from running and fussing haha. I came back inside, angered. Waited a bit then went back out to try AGAIN. This time I brought FOOD! The stray male came and ate but Abby would run everytime I tried to come near. I was getting FED UP with it. All THIS just to get her to come inside? I THINK NOT. Know what got her to come inside? Me shining Brad’s flashlight outside! (it was daylight but yeah) IT DID THE TRICK! I fussed at her once I got her inside and put her in the storage room. Once Brad got home, I told him I can’t take it anymore. And I CAN’T! I’m sooooooo sick of it. She won’t come. She poops and pees in the house, STILL. She finds every piece of paperish thing and rips it to shreds. The other night, Brad took a nap on the couch and while he was sleeping, Abby chewed HOLES on the end of his jeans!!!!!! :mad: Brad got her and put her outside and she’s been out there ever since. Then tonight, while we were eating dinner she was sitting at the window on the porch having a whining fit but OH! WELL! I don’t want to deal with her anymore. We went to watch Bones at Brad’s Grandmas tonight and when we came back home, Brad asked If I wanted to let her back in tonight. HAAAAAA. I said NOPE! I don’t think I want her back in the house. I’d like to get rid of her, really. She’s just TOO MUCH of a hassle. When we do get rid of her, I don’t want another dog until we have a place with a FENCE/GATE! Otherwise, no dog.

Monday evening Brad called the guy that was selling the house and he was there at the moment and said we could come see it!!!! So we loaded up to go see it. Here’s the story of the house: This couple lived there and once they got older, the wife had gotten sick and went into a nursing home and the husband lived elsewhere. They had 3 kids and that’s who we got to meet, were their 3 children. The 2 brothers were working on the house and the sister had a house right next to the one we were looking at – which was built by her Dad. They were all quite nice. The house is REALLY OLD. Like 40-50. Really, really unique things about it, too. You know how houses have light switches on the inside that have a flip switch? These switches had BUTTONS! 2 buttons. One to press to turn on, the other off. Talk about old!!! The wiring is old too, of course. Has a lot of doors on the inside. The carpet in the double dining room is really, really, really OLD. Like orangeish colored. They don’t even make that carpet anymore. The 1 bathroom was SUPER SUPER tiny so the brothers are remaking it a bit bigger because that was the main complaint of people who came to look at the house. The tiny outside basement was dug up by their Dad!!! It was tiny but really neat. I dunno though.. it’s just really old. We know we’re not gonna buy it though. OH! It’s for rent too!!! We may rent it but I dunno. We’re gonna look around more and stuff. The lady (the brothers sister) works at a place where they make the curtains for the motorhomes. Brad works at the motorhome place so I think I might look into it. She said they start you off at $7.30 or so and can get up to $9 somethin. Sounds pretty good.

I have no idea what I want to do with my life, really. What I want to become. I’d really love something with animals but I don’t know what. I don’t wanna be a vet. Pet shop owner would take too much money + commitment. Brad and I were talking about future careers and we both don’t know what we wanna be, lol. I got pretty upset over it last night too.. but Brad reassured me everything will work out and I know he’s right but sometimes I just feel like such a lost cause.
One last thing… all afternoon I’ve been working on myspace to try to make it look good. I think I’ve done a pretty good job SO FAR. I’ve still got quite a bit to fix up and stuff but yenno, I think it’s kindof pointless to fix it up if it’s not used for anything :( No one comments or anything… so If you read this entry and have a myspace, let me know and maybe we can be myspace friends? Hah. I’m pitiful. I was fixing up my own custom friend list where I could list my top 8 and I only have 7 friends! ..Sadness.
Anyhow, even though it looks CRAPPY at the moment coz I’m still majorly working on it..
visit /lovegeek, add me?

Gonna update my current status then get back to working on myspace!
Later loves.